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Gourmet Events

Our playground for the star ensemble combines culinary delights, inspiring conversations, and stylish design.

Gastronomic events that touch not only the palate but also the soul

In the summer of 2018, the idea emerged, in collaboration with the company Kirchmair "alles wohnen" from St. Johann in Tirol, to give a 300-year-old oak trunk a cooking hood: This unique tree kitchen marked the beginning of our "Genussräumchen" (Pleasure Room). Initially intended as a showroom, it now opens its doors to everyone. With the newly constructed Genussräumchen, complete with an original show kitchen, we offer a film-worthy setting for gourmet events at the highest level. Culinary festivals, always accompanied by exquisite wines from our winemaker friend Stefan Pratsch from the Weinviertel. Elegant designer pieces from the Stammdesign manufactory create a harmonious atmosphere, complemented by unique home accessories. The Genussräumchen is a place for inspiring encounters, culinary delights, and stylish living. We look forward to your visit!

Garnelen elegant angerichtet auf Holzteller bei einem Gourmet-Event von Stammdesign
Zwei Gourmet-Event-Teilnehmer genießen ein Dessert
Mehrere Teller mit exquisitem Gourmet-Essen, elegant angerichtet
Gedeckter Tisch, mit warmer Atmosphäre und stilvollem Ambiente
Teilnehmer naschen bei Kochkurs, Koch lacht
Zubereitung einer Nachspeise
Exquisit angerichtetes Gourmet-Essen in der Stammdesign Tischmanufaktur